Bow Shooting to the Left: Fix It Now With These Easy Steps

Bow shooting to the left? Your shot may swing left for the following reasons.

  • The bow hand’s introduction of bow torque
  • Incorrect sight or bow tuning
  • Incorrect anchoring
  • Caused by the environment (wind, etc.)

Despite the apparent simplicity of these factors, it might be challenging to pinpoint the exact reason why your arrows are drifting off to the side.

Bow Shooting to the Left: Causes

While addressing the core reason may be straightforward, repairing your bow’s sideways firing is far more crucial. Without understanding the underlying cause for the issue, you can adjust your bow to take that into account. Still, the problem will inevitably recur, making it difficult for you to be consistent.

Your bow hand’s introduction of bow torque may lead your arrows to stray to the side. This occurs when the grip of your bow hand is positioned incorrectly, twisting the grip. Your bow may rotate. As a result, shoot your arrows to the side.

If your bow quickly comes out of tune, your arrows may easily fly off to the side. For instance, if your sight drifts even slightly to the left, you’ll have to adjust your bow to the right, ensuring that your arrows always land on the right. The bow’s tuning faults can have a comparable impact.

While poor shooting technique frequently results in uneven shooting, it can also lead your arrows to drift off to the side, whether or not they are well grouped. The biggest problem that could cause this is poor anchoring, which could cause the arrows to move to the side.

It will be more challenging to pinpoint the problems you’re experiencing if your grouping is poor. By focusing on your bow stability, you can try to increase your collection. 

Bow Force

A rotational force called torque makes things rotate around their axes. Great archers know how to use the proper technique to counteract the torque bows naturally produce. If you can’t control it, your arrows may easily drift to the side, and your shoots would be continuously off.

Improper bow grip and out-of-tune machinery are the two most frequent causes of bow torque. It’s straightforward to spot: 

  1. If you’re holding the bow and it seems like it wants to turn, this is probably the issue.
  2. If you’re using a compound bow, I advise checking your lump first because working with potentially out-of-tune equipment is ineffective. Recurve bows are less prone to experience torque from tuning issues.

It’s straightforward to reduce torque by examining and strengthening your grip. How to handle a bow properly:

  • With your other fingers bent, form an “L” with your thumb and index finger.
  • The meaty portion of your palm should be in a natural posture as you place your hand on the bow’s grip.
  • Feel the pressure increase as you pull back on the bowstring, your fingers, and optional.
  • Make sure your wrist is resting naturally and is not twisted in any way.

Following these procedures may eliminate bow tension and correct your bow firing to the side.

Bow and sight out of tune

Your shots frequently being off due to out-of-tune equipment. You can’t ignore anything because it can practically be anywhere on the bow or sight. If you think your bow might be out of tune, you should have it tuned anyway or, if you know how to tune it yourself.

Follow the detailed instructions for bow sight tuning if you’re confident the problem is with your sight. You might wish to paper-tune your bow if you suspect that your sight or bow may be out of tune.

How to tune your bow with paper?

Paper tuning your bow is an excellent technique to determine whether it is out of tune and to adjust it. In this procedure, you shoot a piece of paper and see how the arrow tears it apart. This will be an excellent approach to test your bow if your shooting form is good.

Recommended: Paper Tuning: How to Paper Tune a Bow For Beginners

You only need a few pieces of paper, a frame or another object to hold the form, your bow and arrows, and a target or background to paper-tune your bow.

Paper tuning is a straightforward technique.

  • Place the piece of paper close to the target or background after attaching it to the frame, keeping some space between them. Ensure that the form is stable and flat.
  • Shoot an arrow through the paper while positioned in front of the frame. Aim the arrow as levelly as you can while maintaining good form.
  • Check the paper to see how the arrow tore it. A central point with symmetrical arms would be seen if the arrow was directed straight through the paper. You’ll need to modify your bow if the shape tears vertically or to one side.
  • To get maximum accuracy, make minor tweaks and run the procedure several times.

Be aware that poor shooting form will prevent paper tuning from giving you helpful information. Take your bow to a pro shop and spare yourself some time if you’re a beginner and think it could be out of tune.

Compound bows are likelier to go out of tune than recurve bows. The fact that single-cam compound bows are less likely to get out of tune than dual-cam bows is also noteworthy.

Recommended: Single Cam Vs Dual Cam: A Deep Comparison 

Incorrect anchoring

Anchoring is one of the critical things archers concentrate on when they first start because it is necessary for accurate bow shooting. It’s sometimes skipped even though it’s a crucial phase in your shooting process.

Poor anchoring might make you inconsistent and cause your shots to always miss to the side. It usually happens if you’re anchoring but have a problem with your technique.

Your shots can go wrong if you hold the sketching hand too far to one side, horizontally. Although they can still be slightly off, most archers use their chin or the side of their mouth as an anchor point.

It is suggested to slightly adjust your anchor point towards the direction you shot it off to determine whether anchoring is the cause of your problem. Try shifting your anchor point somewhat to the left if you tend to fire the left. Move it a little bit to the right if you’re aiming right.

Make minor changes because they could significantly impact the shot’s location. It would approach as a process of seeking out the ideal anchor point, which, once discovered, you can begin to acclimate to.

Triggered by the environment

Some environmental factors may significantly affect your shots. Issues can be further exacerbated by wind, sloped ground, and other factors.

Although the wind can significantly alter your shots, it will likely always guide your arrows in a different direction, which can signify that the wind is the real problem.

Your alternatives are somewhat restricted if you believe that the wind is the cause of your problems. When the weather is terrible, you can go to a closed range, get closer to the target, or learn how to can’t your bow tilt the bow to combat the effect of wind. Another option is to use heavier arrows, less susceptible to wind.


We have discussed the most effective methods for resolving the issues and the typical reasons for shots that are off to the right or left. If you’re experiencing this problem, it is advised to look into fine-tuning your equipment. If the problem persists, try to identify the weak point in your shooting form.

Why Your Bow Shooting to the Right? How to Fix it

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